Since it was developed in the 1950s, the most common ingredient in insect repellent has been the chemically-based DEET, which appears in products like Off! Look at the label of whatever you buy from stores in Crestview, FL you are likely to find DEET listed in varying concentrations. Use of it continues despite multiple warnings of its neurological side effects, which adults are susceptible to as much as their children are. The reason for this continued use lies in its proven effectiveness, alleviating concerns derived from the West Nile scare and the equal worrisome fear of ticks and Lyme disease when spending time in your back yard or going out on hikes. Until recently, there haven’t been many alternatives, although citrus and lavender oils have had some success.
Now, however, there are substances available that deter mosquitoes and other insects and at the same time are far less harmful. These repellents are made with plant-based ingredients. Two examples are the Repel Plant Based Lemon Eucalyptus and Natrapel 8-hour with Picaridin. Not only don’t they contain DEET, but they also often outperform that toxic product and in tests they offer long-lasting protection, as well.
You want to enjoy your time outdoors in the summer without having to worry about the dangers from insect bites. You need to weigh priorities in deciding which preventive insect repellent is best. The results from researching the effects of DEET can be a persuasive argument for switching to the newer alternatives, but no product can guarantee certain and full protection. Your strategy needs to be one of using reasonable caution and choosing natural, safer methods whenever possible.
Above all, apply any insect repellent sparingly. You don’t want to blast it on, whatever the ads tell you to do. When adding chemicals to the skin, less is definitely more.
If you have pests inside OR outside the home that you don’t want to see this summer always feel free to contact us online or call us at 850-682-5354 for a FREE estimate.
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